Monday, October 3, 2011

BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 5th Edition

by Todd A. Swanson, Sandra I. Kim, Marc J. Glucksman

BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 5th Edition

BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 5th Edition Overview        

Thoroughly updated for its Fifth Edition, this popular review book is an excellent aid for USMLE Step 1 preparation and for coursework in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics. Chapters are written in an outline format and include pedagogical features such as bolded key words, figures, tables, algorithms, and highlighted clinical correlates. USMLE-style questions and answers follow each chapter and a comprehensive exam appears at the end of the book.

A companion website includes an interactive question bank with questions from the book and the fully searchable text.

BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 5th Edition Review

          It's a wonderful resource throughout medical school. They sum up the main material quite well, have wonderful examples AND explanations of each answer choice, why right or not. Strongly recommend this to all.

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BRS Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics 5th Edition

*** Product Information and Review : Oct 3, 2011