Monday, September 12, 2011

The Immune System

by Peter Parham

The Immune System Overview

          The Immune System, Third Edition emphasizes the human immune system and synthesizes immunological concepts into a comprehensible, up-to-date, and reader-friendly account of how the immune system works. 
          Written for undergraduate, medical, veterinary, dental, and pharmacy students in immunology courses, it makes generous use of medical examples to illustrate points. 

The Immune System Review

          I've been using the new and previous editions of the Parham text to teach an introductory immunology course for the last 4 1/2 years. Until I made a few unfortunate text choices for other courses this year, I didn't fully appreciate what a wonderful text this is. The chapters (especially in the new, 3rd edition) are arranged in a logical fashion and broken down into sections for easy digestibility & assignability. The figures are clear with excellent descriptions and correlate nicely with the text. While the chapter on T cell activation/effector functions still suffers from a bit of disarray, it is still highly usable & provides the necessary information. Immunology is a difficult subject, but this text makes it a pleasure to teach & learn, and receives high marks from my students as well. It is perfect for a one-semester course.        

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The Immune System

*** Product Information and Review : Sep 12, 2011