Microbiology: An Introduction with MyMicrobiologyPlace Website Overview
This #1 selling non-majors microbiology book is praised for its straightforward presentation of complex topics, careful balance of concepts and applications, and proven art that teaches. In its Tenth Edition, Tortora/Funke/Case responds to the #1 challenge of the microbiology course: teaching a wide range of reader levels, while still addressing reader under-preparedness. The Tenth Edition meets readers at their respective skill levels.
Microbiology: An Introduction with MyMicrobiologyPlace Website Review
I'm a nursing student, and I can't stress enough how much I LOVE this book. Gives a pretty good overview of microbial activity, signs & symptoms of the particular infection, antimicrobial agents' mechanisms and side effects. Book seems tailored to nursing students. I constantly refer to this book when antimicrobial drugs come up in class. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.Check Prices & Learn more for
Microbiology: An Introduction with MyMicrobiologyPlace Website
*** Product Information and Review : Sep 11, 2011