Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Overview
In the Fifth Edition, authors Dave Nelson and Mike Cox combine the best of the laboratory and best of the classroom, introducing exciting new developments while communicating basic principles through a variety of new learning tools—from new in-text worked examples and data analysis problems to the breakthrough eBook, which seamlessly integrates the complete text and its media components.
I would suggest this book to anybody who wants to learn biochemistry at a discussable level, quickly.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry Review
The book is a great resource for learning biochemistry at a fast pace. I'm using it in my Fundamental of Biological Design course, in which we go over a variety of related fields at breakneck speed (3 weeks of biochemistry, 2 weeks of engineering, 1 week of imaging, 3 weeks of genetics, etc..). I had never taken a course in biochemistry during my undergraduate career and this book has proven invaluable in my PhD career.I would suggest this book to anybody who wants to learn biochemistry at a discussable level, quickly.
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Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
*** Product Information and Review : Sep 9, 2011